I Enrolled For The HavardX CS50X Computer Science Course

I Enrolled For The HavardX CS50X Computer Science Course

Here's My Reasons, Expectations and My Experience So Far 🚀

Hey there!!, On this blogpost I'll be sharing my reasons for enrolling in the Havardx CS50 Course and also share my experiences, my progress and the challenges I'm facing , it's been a ride though but it's been worth while.


The Havardx CS50x course is an entry-level course taught by David J. Malan. CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. CS50 is a very good course for a beginner, especially if you wanna grab the whole picture of programming but not going deeper too much. It starts with learning C, so you can learn the basic concepts of memory address and pointer.


Ever since i started my journey in programming, i never really obtained a ground-up guide or actually attended a bootcamp or enrolled in a course, i was all alone with the internet finding my way around with free resources and apps, yeah apps👌. Even though I'm self taught, i never deeply understood the fundamentals, basic concepts of computing and computer science in general.

PS: I didn't even know my way around the command line interface.

But the following are my well thought out reason why I'm taking the CS50 Course:

I Wanted To Deeply Understand Computer Science and it's key fundamentals

Starting out my journey was a bumpy ride since i found myself Lost pretty most of the times, i jumped from language to language ( well i still do that in some cheeky ways 😊😊 ), I'd always leave previously chosen languages because it seemed overwhelming and kinda complex or in some cases extremely difficult😭😭.

Scrambling the internet looking for an easy language to learn was my best option. But i lacked one thing, i lacked fundamental knowledge and i didn't know my place as a beginner, diving into complex stuff early on really drained me even though there's some slight benefits which I'll share in my next article, but the disadvantages were significantly higher.

I Wanted To Level Up My Problem Solving Skills and Increase My Thinking Algorithmically

Yeah!! It was that bad 😟, I wasn't a bad programmer don't get me wrong, it's just that my codes were long, too long to actually do simple tasks and also it ran too slow especially when using languages like C.

I need a way to actually leverage my skills, I knew the syntax, I know how to solve problems but trying to convert it to a computer program was a problem. Actually, through the course I properly understand the importance of pseudocode They're very helpful and actually essential as a beginner or if you feel your code could be better.


The following were my expectations before taking the course:

1. Introductory knowledge

2. Key fundamentals

3. Step-by-step guides

4. Beginner knowledge of the CLI ( Command Line Interface )

5. Better Understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms

My Experience: How It's Been Going

To Be Honest, It's the best decision I've ever made after deciding to stick to programming, Currently am 2weeks into the course, I'll constantly share updates on the course my challenges and what I've discovered..

But Here's My Experience and My Progress

1. I Learnt about How Binary Works, yeah the 0s and 1s thing

2. I Learnt New Linux Commands to properly Interact with the Command Line Interface, isn't that amazing😊

3. Yeah, I Learnt A New programming Language, it's C.⚡⚡

4. Of course, What's Binary without the ASCII Binary Mapping Chart, yeah I Learnt about ASCII, it's awesome👨‍💻❤️

5. I learnt how to better design my code 🚀🚀

In Conclusion

Pheew! Like I said this was the best decision I've ever made since I started my Programming Journey ❤️, and This article would be helpful to anyone looking out for a Good Course to level up their knowledge and leverage their skills...